Katherine Gonzalez
33 Years old
Ceo of K&C Cleaning Corporation
Entrepreneur, Wife and Mother

While attending university in Venezuela, I had the opportunity to develop my skills as an entrepreneur and at the same time, manage my father’s business, which allowed me to know and identify what I wanted for the future.
I came to the United States 7 years ago with one goal: to project myself into my own business.
In 2017, having side jobs I decided to create my own cleaning company. House by house, I was learning to develop my skills and abilities, discovering the right and effective products for any situation. In addition, I had the opportunity to venture into different fields such as; hostelry, offices, residential homes, moving in and out and new construction. Thanking every day to all the people who gave me the opportunity, trusted me and to those who are still my clients and that now I consider a family.
I structured my most precious project in 2019, date in which I decided to apply the acquired knowledge, all my strength and aspirations…
Today K&C Cleaning Corporation, is a solid company, highly qualified to meet the needs of our customers, in the fields of construction of new homes, Townhomes and commercial work.
I feel very proud of what I have formed, because my first mission is that every property owner feels happy to receive their space completely perfect and clean.

Contact us

321 6664695 or Kc.cleaningcorporation@gmail.com


Customer satisfaction is and always will be our priority


Do your job and leave the cleaning in our hands.

Our services are mainly oriented to construction companies and comercial agents. We clean all spaces and make them habitable for your clients

Why Choose Us

Reason For Choosing Us

Accredited Company
100% Guarantee
Quality Material


Working With The Best


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